Tillery Sims



A versatile professional

Identifying Needs & Providing Solutions

Thank you for your interest in my experience. It is my desire to ensure the success of the people and projects I serve.

I hope you will see from my resume that I have a unique ability to understand people and cultures. I enjoy serving as the connector who recognizes where needs intersect. My contract negotiation experience has honed my natural ability to understand the goals of those I serve, bringing about mutually beneficial conclusions. My intuitive people skills help to develop relationships that build healthy partnerships.

I enjoy working in a wide variety of industries. I have a curious mind that understands new ideas and concepts. I am a big-picture thinker who quickly assesses the needs of a project. I am not afraid to utilize unique ideas or bring in better-skilled individuals to ensure success.

I am at your service should you have a worthy project that I can promote with my passion and skills.


Tillery Sims



A versatile professional

Identifying Needs Providing Solutions

Tillery Timmons Sims is the Director of Operations at the Sandhills Area Research Association (SARA), a ​non-profit organization that supports and advocates for farmers on the High Plains of Texas. Tillery serves ​SARA and its founder Lacy Cotter-Vardeman developing and implementing business and philanthropic ​ventures.

She also serves as a board member of the Texas Hemp Growers Association (THGA), a group that aims to ​leverage producer influence on the emerging hemp (food, feed, and fiber) industry in Texas. Under her ​leadership as Executive Director THGA grew its reach internationally, serving as founding board members ​of the new Federation of International Hemp Organizations. THGA has recently expanding and now serves ​the entire US.

In 2023, Tillery and 2 colleagues created Agricultural Policy Solutions to provide marketing, policy, an ​advocacy, and business services to the ag sector.

Tillery is a 5th generation descendant of the pioneers who established Texas as a leader in agriculture, and ​she continues their legacy of adaptability and progress.

Tillery has deep roots in Terry County, Texas and currently lives in Lubbock, TX. She and her husband Doug ​managed a 2,000 acre farm before entering the energy industry. She serves as VP of Ag and Renewables ​for their company, Sims Lands Services.

Tillery is passionate about finding innovative and sustainable solutions for the challenges faced by farmers ​in the region. She is involved in research, education, and collaboration efforts with various stakeholders ​across the agricultural supply chain, including universities, conservation groups, and industry partners.

She is committed to fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange through SARA’s Ag Dialogues ​Conference, an annual event that brings together experts and practitioners to address shifts in the ​agricultural landscape and water depletion.

Tillery and Doug are amazed everyday that they have been blessed with 8 kids (who are the best humans ​God ever made) and the world’s most fabulous granddaughter.

Tillery is a graduate of the XVIII Cohort of the prestigious Governor Dolph Briscoe Jr., Texas Agricultural ​Lifetime Leadership (TALL) program.

Sims Land Service — Energy Landman

APRIL 2017 - PRESENT | Lubbock, TX

  • Conduct research in parish and county courthouses to check coal, oil, gas, solar, wind, and estate information
  • Analyze and report on chains of title for client representatives
  • Liaise with landowners to secure access to property rights and facilitate company development on privately owned parcels

Texas Hemp Growers Association — Board Member

MARCH 2019 - PRESENT | Lubbock, TX

  • Direct a non-profit trade organization for an emerging new commodity
  • Strategize community outreach, PR, and marketing
  • Recruit and organize membership
  • Improved organizational processes and regulatory compliance
  • Develop international presence and full supply chain network
  • Lobby and consult for state, national, and international organizations and business
  • Partnered on successful animal feed application in Texas
  • Grant and economic development coordination for processing

facilities to ensure best possible cost savings

Doug & Tillery Sims Farms — Owner

1992 - 2007 | Brownfield, TX

  • Cultivated peanuts, sesame, wheat, cotton, and more
  • Protected operational interests by inspecting crops to

determine maturity, detect diseases and isolate pests

  • Worked closely with team members to strategize,

deliver requirements, and meet financial goals

Ag Policy Solutions

February 2023 - present | Texas, colorado, Indiana

The APS team provides services that connect innovative agribusinesses and farmers to resources, research, and partners that accelerate opportunities to benefit rural economies.

  • Systems applications for emerging ag industries and crops
  • Sustainability strategies for businesses, farmers and ag product producers
  • Agricultural supply chain development
  • Policy recommendations and relationships
  • Assisting regulatory agencies to develop program and enforcement strategies
  • Direct and manage approvals of animal feed ingredient applications and GRAS notices
  • Animal feed applications
  • Food and feed supply chain development
  • Innovative animal feed ingredient solutions and expertise
  • Feed ingredient applications to the FDA-CVM
  • Development and acceptance of Generally Recognized as Safe notices for animal feed ingredients
  • ​Product development from soil to shelf
  • Grant research and support
  • Lobbying and network development
  • Small business development
  • ESG opportunities
  • Ag eco-systems education
  • NPO management services
  • Agri-business Marketing



Process creation and implementation

via high-level administration:

developed successful non-profit start-up from board selection to ongoing

strategy and oversight

Client support and mediation: negotiated with disgruntled land and mineral owners to reach lease agreements

Research and documentation: searched

historical records and utilized internet

information to develop title reports

from sovereignty to current ownership

Federal and State government

advocacy: developed educational

material for lobbying efforts that

helped develop key relationships

to improve policy

Ability to coordinate diverse

and multi-cultural stakeholders:

located qualified and trustworthy

stakeholders to develop state,

national, and international projects

Experience and network in Texas

agriculture, oil, government

Experience in emerging markets:

utilized experience and research

skills to validate opportunities

preventing unwise investments

Extensive event coordination and

execution: successful execution of

multiple conferences, large weddings,

educational classes and community-wide events

Working with regulations and

compliance: assisted in the development

of policy for state bills, serve business through completion of mandatory paperwork to receive government certifications


  • Coordinating efforts to create the Federation of International Hemp Organizations, a newly formed association made up of all the longstanding national hemp organizations
  • Developed and serving on the Hemp Feed Consortium, a lobbying group for hemp as animal feed made up of stakeholders from across the US
  • Developed the Texas Hemp Feed Task Force completed application and received state approval of hemp oil/cake in KY and TX
  • Planned and executed 2 Farmer Field Days - recruited experienced food and fiber hemp farmers along with stakeholders from multiply states to provide information and education to 250+ farmers and ag leaders
  • Raised funds for genetic research for Texas Tech University
  • Coordinated educational classes with Dr. Calvin Trostle, Texas A&M Agrilife for the Amarillo Farm Show 2019 and 2021
  • Lobbied state and federal officials on behalf of hemp food and fiber
  • Provided policy language for a state bill that would recognize hemp as a commodity and require the state to promulgate rules for feed for animals not intended for human consumption
  • Identified experienced farmers from across the US to develop a national farmer-led organization focused on developing best practices, policy, and potential checkoff or market order program
  • Serve on D37 Standards Committee for ASTM
  • Consultant on agronomics and farmer relations
  • Planning and speaking at state and national events
  • Lobbied the U.S. Senate Ag Committee, multiple federal and state legislators, NASDA, and USDA in meetings and conferences
  • Provided education to local and state officials
  • Networking and connecting end buyers for product development
  • Create and consult on promotional material
  • Consulting on marketing and promotion for the National Industrial Hemp Council of America
  • Coordinated broadcasting on All Ag All Day for the National Industrial Hemp Council Hemp Summit
  • Developing and consulting on strategy for biomass production for single-use plastics
  • Developed business plans for start-up or expanding organizations
  • Researched multiple agricultural and rural ecosystems for USDA grant, developed required documentation
  • Connect business to SBA, Small Business Development, and economic development services
  • Complete mandatory paperwork for government certification
  • Grant research and development projects - awards of over 5 million
  • Locating sites for community solar developments with an emphasis on rural areas and owners where they will be most beneficial